and take Express of SuJiahang and then turn to Shen Jia Hu, 【公路】 走318国道或湖盐省道(湖州-嘉兴海盐)皆可达南浔, 318 National Highway and Huyan Highway(Huzhou-Haiyan, it will lead tourists directly to the exit of Nanxun in 1 hour. 杭州方向旅客: 杭宁高速转申苏浙皖高速---申苏浙皖高速(南浔出口下)---南浔 杭宁高速---申嘉湖高速(练市南浔出口下---湖盐公路---南浔 Tourists from Hangzhou take the Express of Hang Ning, and take Highway of Hu Yan 【铁路】 & , and please turn to Express of Shen Su Zhe Wan in Huzhou, Jiaxing) go through the district of Nanxun 【高速】 上海方向旅客:A9---申苏浙皖高速(南浔出口下)---吴越路---南浔 Tourists from Shanghai take A9 and must turn to Express of Shen Su Zhe Wan, and then take the exit of Nanxun on Shen Su Zhe Wan. 宁波方向旅客:杭州湾大桥--乍嘉苏高速(即苏嘉杭高速)--申嘉湖高速(练市南浔出口下)--湖盐公路--南浔 Tourists from Ningbo please take Hang Zhou Wan Bridge。淘宝特卖场